The VisionTek DDR3L RAM Module is the ideal performance upgrade for desktop computers. VisionTek RAM has been tested extensively in Dell, Lenovo, HP, Mac, ASUS and MSI systems. If you have compatibility questions, please contact our support staff and they can confirm compatibility.* Maximizing your system memory is the most cost-effective and easy DIY installation solution. Dramatically improve application and system responsiveness, gaming and specific memory intensive usages such as video streaming over wireless networks. Avoid system slowdowns or bottlenecks by giving programs more memory use. Productivity / Multi-Tasking More memory means more programs can be run at one time. Systems may slow when running a large amount of programs at once. By upgrading, you can eliminate slowdowns and bottlenecking, meaning your system can do more for you. Speed / Performance Every app and program you run uses memory, all of them conpeting for space. By upgrading your system memory, you provide more space for programs and apps to run, creating a better performing system Easy to Install Memory modules are easy to install, by following your system owner's manual, in just a few minutes time, you can install memory. No need to pay someone else, the installation of memory is quick and easy!